By Amanda Poldoski, DVM Staff Veterinarian at Pet Poison Helpline® We LOVE Halloween here at Pet Poison Helpline® and are prepping for our own party on the big day. Still, during all the fun our goal is to help keep pets safe and healthy! Here are some reminders and tips for the season: Glow sticks…
By: Jo Marshall, CVT Staff Certified Veterinary Technician As a veteran of many holiday phone shifts here at Pet Poison Helpline®, I can tell you that this will likely be our busiest week of the 2013. One would not think that this would be the case at an animal poison control center, but it seems…
By: Melanie Jackson Certified Veterinary Technician at Pet Poison Helpline® The holiday season is in full swing and gatherings are well under way with family and friends alike. As you trim the tree and decorate your home keep your pets in mind and take steps to keep them safe during the holidays. Each year around…
By Dr. Justine Lee, DVM, DACVECC, DABT Ah, summer…the start of backyard BBQs and picnics outside. While I want to encourage you to spend more time outside with your pooch and your family, keep in mind that when picnicking, there are several dangerous food items that can pose a threat to your dog when accidentally…
The Most Prevalent Toxic Substances A record-setting 70 percent of Americans celebrated Halloween in 2011, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Unfortunately, it was also a very busy time at Pet Poison Helpline®. During the week surrounding Halloween in 2011, call volumes increased by 21 percent, making it one of the call center’s busiest weeks…