As a pet owner, it is important to know what products and goods are toxic to your furry friend. Goods such as candy and chocolate are well-known toxic substances, but it is less common knowledge that products which include various forms of salt are toxic to dogs and cats as well. Here, we’ll talk about salt, the dangers of it to your pets, and the symptoms of sodium poisoning. 

The Dangers of Salt 

You can find different forms of salt everywhere. Table salt is frequently used for cooking in the kitchen; rock salt is used as a deicer during the cold, winter months; salt water at the beach; and more. Unfortunately, because salt can be found in a lot of places, the risk of your pet ingesting a toxic amount is high. Salt is an essential nutrient in your pet’s diet, but too much salt can cause sodium poisoning. If you are concerned your pet has too much or too little salt in their diet, consult Pet Poison Helpline® and your vet for help. 

Sodium Poisoning Symptoms 

There are several signs and symptoms your pet will start showing if they are suffering from sodium poisoning. Your pet may try to combat the poisoning by drinking fresh water. If this does not help the symptoms can worsen. Sodium toxicity can cause unpleasant clinical signs and in rare cases, death. Common sodium poisoning symptoms include: 

  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Decreased appetite 
  • Lethargy 
  • Incoordination 
  • Excessive thirst or urination 
  • Tremors 
  • Seizures 
  • Coma 


If you fear your dog or cat is suffering from sodium poisoning, call Pet Poison Helpline® at (855) 764-7661 and your veterinarian for immediate medical assistance. A clinic visit may be necessary. Your vet will keep your pet hydrated with IV fluids and electrolytes. If the poisoning is severe your pet may need to stay overnight for monitoring and further care. Monitoring your pet’s environment is key to keeping them safe and healthy.