They hop, eat flies, and spend their life in the water. But how do toads and frogs interact with dogs?
Toads and frogs may be interesting creatures, but they can harm your dog. One specific toad, Bufo bufo (common toad or European toad), is toxic to dogs. When threatened, the common toad may emit a white liquid poison from the glands on the back of its head. In addition to causing skin irritation in humans, the secretions are very harmful to dogs, cats, and other pets. So, if your dog is curious and comes across a toad you need to keep an eye out!
What Are The Symptoms Of Common Toad Poisoning in Dogs?
Dogs can be poisoned by common toads. Signs of poisoning include frothy salivation, trouble breathing, dark red gums, staggering and stumbling, vomiting, convulsions or seizure activity, and an abnormal heartbeat within minutes of the onset of the illness. When Bufo bufo (common toad or European toad) poisoning is left untreated, the fatality rate is high!
A substantial dosage of poison is quickly absorbed through the gums into the bloodstream when dogs bite or lick the common toad. Hallucinogenic and cardiac poisons are among the poison’s many components. Quick first aid and treatment at the veterinary hospital is necessary to ensure survival. The hospital treats seizures and heart irregularities with IV fluids and drugs.
How To Prevent Bufo Bufo Poisoning
Common toads or European toads are usually seen at night or near water. Do not keep your pet’s food bowls outdoors if you don’t want to attract toads. Dogs and common toads are both drawn to the food. Bufo bufo poisoning may be avoided by keeping a watchful eye over your dog and in a secure environment. You should always have a flashlight with you at night so you can see what your dog is up to while he or she is exploring around. A curious dog can be poisoned by smelling or licking one of these dangerous toads.
What Should I Do If My Dog Licked or Ingested Bufo Bufo?
Rinse your pet’s mouth with fresh water as soon as you suspect they encountered a toad. Thoroughly wipe off the insides of the lips, cheeks, gums, and teeth. Do not use a hose to rinse the mouth since water may be mistakenly aspirated into the lungs producing a life-threatening illness called “aspiration pneumonia”, which means food or liquid has been breathed into the lungs or airways.
If you believe your dog may have encountered a toad, or if you noticed that your dog is behaving oddly or confused within 5-15 minutes of having gone outdoors, clean the mouth as instructed above and seek emergency veterinarian assistance. Any time you suspect your pet may be suffering from Bufo bufo poisoning, call 24-hour Pet Poison Helpline® at (855) 764-7661 and your veterinarian. As the Bufo bufo’s poison works swiftly, timing is essential for your pup.