Picture this, you just finished work and are on vacation for the next few days. You have plans to head up to the mountains with some friends to go camping in the outdoors. As you finish packing up the car, you get a call from your pet sitter who is suddenly unable to come watch…
New Interactive Tool Allows Pet Lovers to Research Potential Dangers in Their Area In honor of Pet Poison Prevention Month in March, the toxicology experts at Pet Poison Helpline® analyzed five years of proprietary call data and are releasing the next iteration of Toxin Trends, an online tool designed to help consumers and veterinary professionals…
This article is a single center, 17-year retrospective study on the use of esmolol to control tachycardia in 22 dogs and 6 cats. Esmolol was used primarily in animals (22/28; 19 dogs and 3 cats) diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) or sinus tachycardia (ST); other diagnoses included atrial fibrillation (1; 1 dog) and ventricular tachycardia…
The linked infographic lays out Pet Poison Helpline®’s biggest achievements of 2022! Throughout the year, we have continuously been taking the steps to achieve our mission of saving pets’ lives and making the world a safer place for animals. The report includes several sections, including: A heat map illustrating where our call volumes came from…
This article describes six cases of dogs developing acute signs after ingestion of cream of tartar, tamarind pods or paste. These cases represent five households with high certainty of exposure and no evidence of other nephrotoxins or potential causes for signs. Case 1: A 5-year-old, 28kg, healthy, MN mixed breed dog that ingested four cups…